Busting These Common Myths of PRP

Did you know that minimally invasive platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy can help injuries heal faster, reduce inflammation, and alleviate chronic pain? This amazing treatment has steadily grown in popularity, but with a growth in popularity comes a few myths about this regenerative medicine treatment.
At Interventional Pain and Regenerative Medicine Specialists in Arlington, Virginia, John Huffman, MD, and our team want to make sure you have the facts about this safe, effective treatment. Keep reading to learn myth from fact when it comes to PRP!
MYTH #1: PRP is dangerous since it uses blood
PRP does use platelets that are separated from the blood, but the blood we use is your own. This means your body won’t reject the PRP solution or have an allergic reaction to the blood materials.
MYTH #2: PRP is a lengthy medical procedure
Nothing could be further from the truth! Most of the time, patients complete PRP therapy in one to two hours. And because there aren’t any side effects, you’re free to resume your normal activities after your treatment
MYTH #3: PRP is extremely painful
With PRP therapy, you will experience a few needles. However, most patients tolerate treatment well. If the injured or affected area is especially sore, your provider at Interventional Pain and Regenerative Medicine Specialists can apply a topical anesthetic to make you more comfortable.
MYTH #4: PRP isn’t effective
PRP is an extremely effective treatment option for many patients suffering from an injury or a chronic condition, like arthritis. The platelets in your blood contain growth factors, proteins that play a key role in your body’s natural healing processes.
Because your provider separates the platelets from the rest of your blood, the solution injected into the affected area has five-10 times more growth factors than your blood normally carries, boosting your healing and reducing inflammation.
MYTH #5: PRP only helps a few conditions
PRP therapy has helped thousands of people find relief from the chronic pain and inflammation associated with many injuries and degenerative health conditions. Dr. Huffman uses this regenerative medicine technique to help with a variety of conditions, including:
- Arthritis and joint pain
- Muscle strains and pain
- Ligament and tendon injuries
- Chronic back or neck pain
Before beginning treatment, Dr. Huffman evaluates your health history to ensure you’re a good candidate for PRP. Once treatment begins, he closely monitors your condition to ensure you’re progressing as desired. He may also suggest additional therapies to help you, such as losing weight, massage therapy, physical therapy, and other lifestyle changes.
Learn more about the benefits of PRP therapy by calling Dr. Huffman at the Northern Virginia office of Interventional Pain and Regenerative Medicine Specialists or book an appointment online now!
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