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What You Should Know About Joint Injections

What You Should Know About Joint Injections

If you’ve struggled with joint pain, you know there’s nothing quite like it. Every movement can trigger discomfort, causing you to avoid physical activity, stop engaging in your regular activities, and even miss out on important moments with family and loved ones.

But thanks to advances in medical science and the development of joint injections, it no longer has to be that way. Not all injections are the same, however, and different types of joint injections can provide fast, effective, targeted relief for a range of issues. 

At Interventional Pain and Regenerative Medicine Specialists in Northern Virginia, our specialists, John Huffman, MD, and Talal Ghazal, MD, want to give you the information you need regarding joint injections to help you better understand your treatment options. Here’s what you need to know.        

How do injections alleviate joint pain?

You have joints in areas where your bones come together but need to move. The connective tissues associated with the joints, which include cartilage, muscle, ligaments, and tendons, help make sure that your movements are smooth and easy. 

Over time or after an injury, however, wear-and-tear to your cartilage and inflammation can create achy, sore, stiff joints and chronic pain. Joint injections work in different ways depending on the type of injection you choose, but most achieve the same results — reduced pain and inflammation, which allows you to move without discomfort and reclaim your quality of life. 

At Interventional Pain and Regenerative Medicine Specialists, our providers administer injections in different locations based on where you need pain relief, including but not limited to your:

You can also get joint injections in the small joints of your wrists, hands, and fingers. 

What conditions can joint injections treat?

With joint injections, our providers can target specific joints, easing your discomfort and helping you get back to a better quality of life. Many conditions respond to joint injection therapy, including but not limited to: 

In short, our specialists can treat many different types of joint pain with injections. And that’s good news since about 15 million Americans experience joint pain related to arthritis alone! 

What are the different types of joint injections?

Many types of joint injections are available, and the type of injection that’s best for you is based on a careful review of your symptoms, a physical exam, and any additional tests or imaging studies your provider orders. 

Some joint injection options offered at Interventional Pain and Regenerative Medicine Specialists include:

Some injections, like those that use steroids, are effective but cannot be used frequently since it’s possible that repeat injections can lead to cartilage deterioration. As such, they’re best for patients in need of short-term relief so they can participate in other treatments, like physical therapy or exercise.  

The best way to learn which type of injection is right for you is by scheduling a consultation with a joint and pain specialist, like the team members at Interventional Pain and Regenerative Medicine Specialists.   

Ready to learn more about joint injections and whether they’re right for you? Contact the Northern Virginia office of Interventional Pain and Regenerative Medicine Specialists or book an appointment online now.

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